Let metrics help you with problem identification in your business.
The Marketing Director of a large fast food retailer in the USA, recently remarked....."to me, data has always been the way to unlock...
Successful Turnaround
For a successful turnaround, the management team must be able to confidently answer these questions at key milestones during the process:...
Requirements for a restructure
With the promulgation of the new companies act, 71 of 2008 a new era of risk management was entered into by South Africa companies. The...
Burn Your Business Plan – Before It Burns You
ALEXANDER OSTERWALDER: Founders go wrong when they start to believe their business plan will materialize as written. I advise...
BIG LIE #3 – Myth of Self Discipline
Diagnosed with ADHD as a child, his kindergarten teacher told his mother, “Michael can’t sit still. Michael can’t be quiet... . He’s not...
Distill Your Message to as Few Words as Possible
Your customers are constantly being bombarded with new information. Simplicity has never been more powerful. It's amazing how complex our...
A New Era For Entrepreneurs And Startups Has Begun
Since the recent recession, and at least partially sparked by it, there is a real resurgence of entrepreneurial spirit, and more startup...